Sustainability Compass Takes its Unique Model Global
Switzerland-based Sustainability Compass introduces its new Portuguese language partner Kaleydoscopio (based in Sweden and Brazil), and announces its plans to take its unique sustainability guidance app global.
The company aims to bring its progressive model to organizations worldwide, starting in Brazil and Mexico.
Already available in English, German, Spanish and now Portuguese, Sustainability Compass is an app with a philosophy: Think Smarter and Act Smarter. With the objective to encourage sustainable behavior and foster an ecological culture for the good of the planet, the compass presents users with a series of principles that can be incorporated into both everyday life and professional projects. Users can gauge how their actions impact the world around them—the environment and the society they live in. Users are also provided with a sustainability card deck, which comes on PDF and provides users with educational insight and discussion opportunities.
As its next step toward global distribution, Sustainability Compass is now making its app available in Brazil and Mexico with the vision of increasing environmental awareness worldwide. While Kaleydoscopio and Itzel Orozco Consulting maintain the rights to the app and are responsible for translation and marketing, the aim is not to generate profit, but rather to create awareness of their core idea—a culture of sustainability.
“Most people have heard about their carbon footprint, but they don’t truly consider the effects that their every day actions have on the environment, the economy, and ultimately the society that they live in. Sustainability Compass is designed to help make it easier for everyone to consistently act in environmentally and socially conscious ways,” says CEO and Sustainability Compass founder, Matthias Mueller.
In globalizing the app and opening it up to franchise partners, the Compass team’s hope is that large companies will adopt their model to educate their employees. Franchises in turn benefit as partners may brand their company with Sustainability Compass, potentially sell the app in their territories, and also include a product profile for their businesses.
“We are living too fast and are not thinking about the consequences of our actions on a global scale. The scientific literature is making it clear that we have to act now to truly change our unsustainable lifestyles and ensure a better future. We hope that through the franchising of our model and the adoption of Sustainability Compass, we can start changing minds, increase global awareness, and help all people to ‘Think Smarter, Act Smarter,’” adds Mueller.
Sustainability Compass was founded in 2014 by Matthias Mueller. It is an actionable guide to sustainability, currently available in four languages. Through strategic planning and consideration, the compass introduces the user to a series of sound, sustainable principles. It is an app with a philosophy: Think Smarter and Act Smarter.