3 Apps That Will Help You Save Money On Your Next Shopping Trip

Online shopping has caught everyone’s fancy these days. It really is the buzzword with new shopping sites in the market each day. Thanks to smartphones and super fast internet connections, a huge market has moved online. Lack of time has made online shopping the rage it has become. Not only is it convenient, but companies trying to lure online shoppers, end up giving lucrative deals too. This is a very good reason to check out the online stores , especially when you are buying big ticket products like electronics. With every other website offering a deal, it becomes very difficult to know which one to opt for. To help you with this confusion, today we look at 3 apps that will help you save money when you think of online shopping.



Before venturing out to purchase anything, it is imperative that you pay heed to RedLaser. All you have to do is scan or manually enter the barcode of the product you need to buy and this app will tell you the lowest price available. The lowest price will be after considering and comparing the prices online and in brick and mortar stores close by. After telling you the lowest price, this app also provides you with a link to the online shopping site or directions to the store nearby, depending on the lowest price.

Decide Shopping & Price Predictor

The price of any product is a cohesive result of many factors. This is what makes them volatile. While buying anything, one question that arises in every shopper’s head is of price volatility. Another question is always about technology upgrade. One can never predict for sure which factor might lead to drop or increase in prices if there is a technology upgrade on its way in the near future. Decide Shopping & Price Predictor tells you exactly this. It tells you if you should wait for the expected or the imminent price drop or model upgrade and how long could that wait be. This feature makes it a must have for electronic shoppers.

Coupon Sherpa

With the surge in online shopping websites, coupon distributing websites and apps have seen a rise too. These websites offer discount and deal coupons. Coupon Sherpa is one such app. It is said to be the first in mobile coupons. All you need to do is find out if the app has coupons to the store you intend to make your purchase from and at the time of billing, you have to fish out the coupon and show it to the cashier. The cashier will give you the discount as mentioned on the coupon. It is a boon if you can find coupons accepted in stores near you.

An old saying told us that a penny saved is a penny earned. These three apps will help you do exactly that. Why pay more when you can get the same product for less? Next time you decide to go out shopping, do check these apps to save on your hard earned cash.

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About Author
Champ is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
